Students protest Columbia University’s sexual assault policies.
One in five college women is sexually assaulted, according to statistics. Yet only a fraction of these crimes are reported, and even fewer result in punishment for the perpetrators. “The Hunting Ground,” a documentary being screened at Colorado Mountain College in Edwards on May 10, examines rape crimes on college campuses, institutional cover-ups and the brutal social toll on victims and their families.

Andrea Pino, Sofie and Annie Clark share their stories in “The Hunting Ground.”
Bright Future Foundation hosts the screening of the Oscar nominated documentary to help young women and men in the valley prepare for their next chapters in life and the new decisions they will make. High school students, parents and current college students are encouraged to attend. A panel discussion and question and answer session with local medical, legal and law enforcement experts will follow the screening.
“The Hunting Ground” filmmakers chronicled the stories of survivors and their families, including the story of Andrea Pino and Annie Clark, who fought back with an innovative legal strategy using Title IX legislation. Most people recognize Title IX for ensuring equal treatment for college women in athletics, but more importantly, it protects college women in instances of sexual harassment. Unwanted sexual overtures from a professor is one form of sexual harassment, and having to attend college courses with the perpetrator who raped you is another form. Clark and Pino filed a Title IX complaint which essentially uses the threat of withholding of federal funds to force a university to make systemic changes.

Andrea Pino, activist and subject of “The Hunting Ground,” on the University of North Carolina campus.
Clark and Pino’s efforts created a national conversation and advocacy efforts, including a White House task force created to address the issue. They now work full-time on their organization, End Rape on Campus, helping other women file complaints, receive advocacy and access services. The organization also trains and develops resources for staff, students, groups, and individuals on preventing sexual assault and supporting survivors.
For more information of the May 10 screening of “The Hunting Ground, “ contact Mike Santambrogio, at Bright Future Foundation. Admission to the event at Colorado Mountain College’s Vail Valley Campus in Edwards is free, but a $5 donation is requested to support Bright Future’s prevention and intervention programs to empower those affected by sexual abuse and domestic violence. Please click here for more information and a schedule of events.