Buddy Mentors January 2017

Buddy Mentors get creative at January event

The creativity flowed for our junior buddies at the January Buddy Mentors Program event. Hosted at Alpine Arts Center in Edwards, each junior/senior buddy pair had its own individual canvas on which to paint a snowy mountain landscape. According to Lauren Merrill, owner of Alpine Arts, the only rule for painting is that “there are no…

Buddy Mentors December 2016

Buddy Mentors celebrate at Adventure Ridge

Local youth participating in the Buddy Mentors Program recently celebrated the holidays at Adventure Ridge in Vail. The evening included a tubing obstacle course, a turkey dinner with all the trimmings and a visit from Santa. Vail Resorts EpicPromise, provided the dinner and the tubing. Santa, with a little help from Howard Head Sports Medicine,…

Bright Future Counseling

Bright Future participates in psychology internship program

Bright Future is addressing the need for licensed behavioral health professionals in Eagle County by spear-heading a rural internship consortium for doctoral students in their final stage of the education process. The Colorado Psychology Internship Consortium, also known as CO-PIC, prepares interns to meet the needs of rural and underserved populations. Research suggests that behavioral…

Colorado Gives Day

Give where you live for Colorado Gives Day!

  Bright Future invites you to support our efforts to empower Eagle County families and individuals affected by domestic violence and sexual abuse by donating to us on Colorado Gives Day, December 6, 2016. Colorado Gives Day is an annual statewide movement to celebrate and increase philanthropy through online giving. The event is powered by…

Bright Future Recognizes Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Please join Bright Future in recognizing October as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  Domestic violence leaves a devastating impact on women, men, and children, regardless of background or circumstance.  Statistics show that one in four women will be the victim of domestic violence at some point in her lifetime, and, on average, three women are…

Colorado Attorney General visits Bright Future

Avon – Bright Future Foundation recently received a visit from Colorado Attorney General Cynthia Coffman as part of a listening tour.  Bright Future was selected for its efforts in the prevention and intervention of domestic violence and sexual assault. Coffman’s office is partnering with organizations like Bright Future to assess domestic violence prevention efforts in…

Buddy Mentors Program

Grant to expand youth mentoring program

The Bright Future Foundation (BFF) was recently awarded a roughly $94,000 grant for its Buddy Mentor Program by Tony Grampsas Youth Services (TGYS), a statutory program providing funding to local organizations that work with youth and their families through programs designed to prevent youth crime and violence, youth marijuana use, and child abuse and neglect. …