2017 Buddy Mentors Egg Hunt

“Be A Buddy” message promoted at local egg hunt

Hundreds of children hunted for toy and candy filled eggs at the Town of Avon’s Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 15 at Nottingham Park. Bright Future Foundation’s Buddy Mentors Program participated in the free event to help promote the theme, “Be A Buddy, Not A Bully.” The Buddy Mentors booth included a bean bag toss and “Buddies” egg…

Bright Future Mentoring Summit

Bright Future participates in national mentoring summit

Bright Future Foundation’s Executive Director Sheri Mintz, and Buddy Mentors Program Manager Janet Casson, recently attended the National Mentoring Summit in Washington D.C.  The Summit brought together mentors and program coordinators from across the country, and around the world, to discuss best practices and share ways that their programs are working to foster the potential…

Buddy Mentors January 2017

Buddy Mentors get creative at January event

The creativity flowed for our junior buddies at the January Buddy Mentors Program event. Hosted at Alpine Arts Center in Edwards, each junior/senior buddy pair had its own individual canvas on which to paint a snowy mountain landscape. According to Lauren Merrill, owner of Alpine Arts, the only rule for painting is that “there are no…

Buddy Mentors December 2016

Buddy Mentors celebrate at Adventure Ridge

Local youth participating in the Buddy Mentors Program recently celebrated the holidays at Adventure Ridge in Vail. The evening included a tubing obstacle course, a turkey dinner with all the trimmings and a visit from Santa. Vail Resorts EpicPromise, provided the dinner and the tubing. Santa, with a little help from Howard Head Sports Medicine,…