Stand Up Colorado

Stand Up to end relationship violence

Bright Future Foundation is taking an innovative approach in its efforts to prevent domestic violence and sexual abuse. The organization has joined with the Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence and other partners across the state to launch the new Movement to End Relationship Violence: Stand Up Colorado. Traditional prevention initiatives put the burden for change on survivors.…

Mentoring Month 2018

Bright Future celebrates the efforts of mentors

Bright Future’s Buddy Mentors Program was among the local mentoring programs helping to proclaim January as National Mentoring Month at a recent Eagle County Board of Commissioners meeting. National Mentoring Month is an annual campaign aimed at expanding quality mentoring opportunities, and to connect more of our community’s young people with caring adults. “Mentoring Month…

Buddy Mentors December 2017 Holiday Party

Junior and senior buddies celebrate the holidays

Thank you to the good people at Vail Resorts EpicPromise and Howard Head Sports Medicine for helping make the holidays bright!  Youth and mentors from Bright Future Foundation’s Buddy Mentors Program celebrated the season with an evening full of festivities in Lionshead on Tuesday. The evening started with ice skating at Arrabelle rink. It was a picture perfect holiday…

mom and daughter reading

Ensuring Freedom: A survivor success story

After 20 years of marriage, Briana* realized that she needed to separate from her husband. During their marriage, her husband had never hit her but was verbally abusive and eroded her self-esteem. In June 2017, Briana came to our office with self-doubt and expressed that she “needed to get her husband out of the house…

Colorado Gives 2017

Bright Future participating in statewide giving day

Bright Future Foundation is once again participating in Colorado Gives Day – Colorado’s largest day of giving. Scheduled for Tuesday, December 5, 2017, Colorado Gives Day is the ultimate feel-good giving experience that connects donors with nonprofits while connecting nonprofits with an expanded base of supporters. Bright Future first participated in 2013, and to date has…

DVAM 2017 Stand Up

Bright Future marks 30th annual Domestic Violence Awareness Month

 Domestic violence leaves a devastating impact on members of our mountain communities, regardless of background or circumstance.  Bright Future Foundation is a community-based agency dedicated to “Making Futures Bright” by changing lives affected by domestic violence and sexual abuse. Annually, hundreds of families see Bright Future as a safe harbor, helping them to build trusting…

Bright Future 2017 Capital Campaign

Bright Future launches Building Freedom Campaign

At Splendido restaurant, as part of last week’s Beaver Creek Wine and Spirits Festival, Bright Future Foundation (BFF) announced the launch of the Building Freedom Campaign and a $1 million donation by dedicated BFF board member Doe Browning. Browning took the initiative and pledged the lead gift that launched the $2 million capital campaign to…

Splendido 2017

A splendid evening of food and wine to support Bright Future

Supporters of Bright Future Foundation savored a four-course gourmet dinner paired with wine, and also helped BFF set a new fundraising record for the annual Splendido Wine Dinner. Attendees engaged in friendly competition while raising money with a special “mostly silent” auction. The evening also included a paddle raise to recruit “Angels for Achievement,” a new…